Hey there.
I'm Andrew

I'm a writer, tech enthusiast, programmer, product marketer and creator of content and side projects.
Andrew Akers. Blonde hair, wearing sunglasses, looking back at the camera from on top of a mountain.

BCBA Hour Tracker

BCBA Hour Tracker is a tool to help students studying to become board certified behavior analysts document and plan their fieldwork hours. In addition, it is used by supervisors to managed and track their supervisees.

Screenshot of bcbahourtracker.com, a tool for BCBA candidates built by Andrew Akers
Screenshot of the cover of a PDF titled Credential Stuffing Attacks: What Are They and How to Combat Them
Learn how credential stuffing attacks work, how to detect them, and how to prevent them.
Screenshot of the cover of a PDF titled SSE assessment, which is provided to users who complete an interactive assessment on their Security Services Edge capabilities
This interactive assessment evaluates your Security Service Edge (SSE) capabilities and creates a customized report based on your maturity.
Screenshot of the cover of a PDF titled Fixing Broken Auth
Broken Authentication is the second most critical security risk to applications, according to OWASP. Learn how to prevent it.

Video Content

Kubernetes is a lynchpin for the majority of container deployments, but it is also a major target for attackers
Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud provides visibility and threat detection across your public cloud, private network, and hybrid environment.